Without further ado, here is a quick guide oncoming up with ideas, turning those ideas in to products and getting those products to market.
Coming Up with an IdeaFor some, such as professional product designers and inventors, coming up with ideas is all in a day's work. Meanwhile, and for others an idea might strike at any moment or result from a specific experience with a currently existing product that fails to live up to its purpose. The point is that every product (whatever its nature and whethe rit takes the form of hard or software) begins with an idea.
Product Design: A Super Brief OverviewProduct design is a term which encompasses and covers the process by which an idea is turned from exactly that into an actual product.
Then, product designers and those involved in product design are interested in creating new products and / or better developing existing ones. Meanwhile, the mass manufacture of products once designed and ready for market is a separate and secondary aspect of the manufacturing industry.
The Design ProcessThe design process involved in realising a potential product is undertaken in stages. This is true whatever the nature ofthe product. As explored in depth via the Product Life Cycle Stages website, at the very least, there are usually six stages involved from beginning with an idea to ending up with a finished product which is ready to be taken to market, so to speak.
In the beginning and as already established, there must be an idea. Secondly, research must be undertaken to ensure the idea does not already exist, either as an idea or as a product. Thirdly, an initial prototype is developed and created in order to begin testing the product. Forth, testing on a prototype is undergone. Fifth, the results of testing a prototype is analysed and any changes or improvements necessary to make it a viable product are carried out. Finally, and only then, is a product ready for market.
Unleashing Your Product on the MarketWhen it comes to getting a product to market, one of the major determining factors is your budget - and having one - most importantly. Whilst most people with a product idea accept and realise that they will be responsible for funding the design process far fewer realise that they will also be responsible for financing the marketing of their product.
Further, the money spent on marketing a product, in many cases translates to mean the more successful a product is. The best product can easily get lost amongst all the other products out there - and being added to daily. Equally, a far less well designed or less useful product that gets noticed and fills a gap where no better alternative product is known to exist will sell. This is not fair on a product designer or consumers whocould as a result end up buying a lower quality and less functional productover a better one through simple ignorance, but it is the reality in some cases.
Then, and with the market being such a ruthless place and it potentially costing so much to adequately market your product, ahead of doing so it is massively important to do your homework. Whilst there is no single or fail-proof way to market a product or turn a potential product at this stage into a potential income or financial gain, there are several different means of doing so which you should be aware of. Namely, you can sell, licence or manufacture your idea / product.
Article kindly provided by cambridge-dt.com