What is Guerrilla User Research?
Imagine a world where you're walking down the street, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, a wild designer with a clipboard and a wicked gleam in their eye ambushes you. They ask you a litany of questions about your thoughts on the usability of a website or app, the comfort of the handle on your umbrella or the frequency with which you make use of public restrooms. Sounds like a fever dream, doesn't it? But, my friends, this is Guerrilla User Research in action!
Why Guerrilla Warfare?
Now, I'm sure you're wondering why any self-respecting designer would resort to such a renegade approach. The answer lies in the basic tenets of any good design process: adaptability, cost-effectiveness and honesty. Traditional user research methods, though undoubtedly valuable, can often be time-consuming, expensive and riddled with bias due to participants" awareness that they are being studied. This is where the guerrilla part comes in! By adopting the tactics of a skilled insurgent, designers can gather unexpected insights into users" thoughts, feelings and behaviors, all while keeping their budget intact.
Hit and Run: Techniques for Gathering Guerrilla Insights
The most important part of Guerrilla User Research is, of course, the actual research. There are several methods that can help you gain the valuable intel you seek without resorting to a stakeout, wiretapping or waterboarding. Here are just a few:
- Quick and Dirty Interviews: Corner your unsuspecting subjects in cafes, parks or other public spaces and hit them with a rapid-fire series of questions related to your design. While they may be slightly taken aback at first, remember that the element of surprise is your greatest ally.
- Stealth Observation: Like a panther stalking its prey, observe users from a distance as they interact with products or services similar to your own. By avoiding direct interaction, you allow them to behave naturally and reveal their true feelings.
- Impromptu Usability Testing: Sometimes, there's no substitute for putting your design in the hands of real users and seeing how they fare. For a guerrilla twist, try approaching strangers in appropriate settings (such as a library for a book app, or a gym for a fitness tracker) and asking them to give your design a whirl. Be prepared to make a hasty retreat if things go awry!
How to Make the Most of Your Guerrilla Findings
Your hard-earned guerrilla research is useless if you don't know how to make sense of it. The key is to approach your findings with an open mind and a keen eye for patterns. Here are some tips for turning your guerrilla intel into actionable design improvements:
- Look for Patterns: While each guerrilla interaction may provide unique insights, it's important to focus on recurring themes that emerge across multiple encounters. These patterns can help you identify the most pressing issues to address in your designs.
- Embrace the Anomalies: Don't ignore the outliers! Unusual or unexpected findings can often provide the most valuable insights, revealing hidden issues that you might not have considered otherwise.
- Compare and Contrast: Guerrilla User Research should be just one (admittedly exciting) part of your broader research toolkit. Make sure to compare your guerrilla findings with more traditional research methods to ensure you're getting a comprehensive view of your users" needs and desires.
A Word of Caution
As exhilarating as it may be to adopt the tactics of a design rebel, it's important to remember that Guerrilla User Research is not without its risks. Ambushing strangers in public spaces can lead to some uncomfortable situations, and it's important to always be respectful of your subjects" time and personal boundaries. Remember, you're not trying to wage war on your users; you're just trying to better understand them!
Parting Shots
While Guerrilla User Research may not be for the faint of heart, it can provide valuable insights that can help inform and improve your designs. The key is to approach your research with a spirit of adventure, a dash of daring and a willingness to embrace the unexpected. So grab your clipboard, don your camouflage, and prepare to embark on the wildest design adventure of your life!
Article kindly provided by designerviews.org